sketch | darren brant - Part 29

Plan For Improving My Drawing Skills.

Out Of Practice

I am rusty and out of practice. Unlike riding a bicycle, you can forget how to draw. I need to find the time and force myself to practice. I also need to manage my expectations – not every sketch will be a master piece, and not every sketch will be an embarrassment. I am my own worst critic and detractor, so I need to try and not sabotage myself. I need to overcome my fear.

Daily Lunch Scribble

I want to concentrate on improving my figure drawing skills; proportion in particular. My plan is to spend five minutes or so during lunch to work on a quick figure sketch. I had thought about a daily posting of the results of my sketching, but maybe a weekly compilation might work out better. The challenge will be to not just sketching but to sit down and sketch regularly. I’m good at procrastination and avoiding things that make me uncomfortable. We will see how this works out, if at all.

Wish me luck,
